Documents and Reports

COMPREHENSIVE PLAN – This is a long-range planning documents that sets forth the 20-year vision for La Grande.  It includes goals and policies for involving the public in land use decisions; priorities for protecting open space, historic resources and natural hazards; and goals and policies for economic development, housing, water and sewer, and transportation.  The goals and policies within this long-range plan are implemented through the Land Development Code Ordinance.

HOUSING NEEDS ANALYSIS – Pursuant to House Bill 4006 and House Bill 2003, passed by the Oregon State Legislature in 2018 and 2019, the City of La Grande completed a housing needs analysis (adopted in January 2021) which updated the City’s buildable lands inventory of vacant and buildable parcels, forecasted the City’s housing needs over the next 20 years, and recommended strategies for producing needed housing within the City.  This Housing Needs Analysis is used for long range planning and establishing housing policies for the City of La Grande.

HOUSING PRODUCTION STRATEGY – As a follow up phase to the Housing Needs Analysis and also pursuant to House Bill 2003, the City of La Grande completed a Housing Production Strategy, adopted in June 2021.  The Housing Production Strategy expands on the generalized recommendations from the Housing Needs Analysis by providing a list of specific actions (strategies) that the City will pursue to encourage the development of needed housing.  Strategies recommended in this report include changes to the City’s residential development standards and establishing policies and programs to reduce the cost of housing, such as tax incentives, reductions in development fees, and other public/private partnerships.

 LA GRANDE CITY CODE – This code contains the land use regulations that govern the development of residential, commercial and industrial lands within the City of La Grande.  It includes the standards for what is allowed to be constructed on properties, distances from property boundaries, design requirements, how to divide land, and more.  This code is used to guide and manage the future growth of the City in accordance with the goals and policies of the La Grande Comprehensive Plan.