Public Works

The City of La Grande Public Works Department consists of six Divisions that include Engineering, Motor Pool, Streets, Water, Wastewater Collection and Wastewater Treatment. The Department has 30 full-time employees.

The staff maintains a water system that complies with the EPA and Division of Health requirements. Staff also maintains the Wastewater Collection system and Wastewater Treatment facilities to meet DEQ standards. These same employees provide sewer and water line construction and maintenance to the City’s transportation system (i.e.: streets, sidewalks, bicycle paths, storm-sewer systems and other infrastructure within the City).

The Department works with other utilities, developers and property owners in addressing utility issues, public improvements, subdivision development, local improvement districts and other municipal projects. The Department also maintains a set of Standard Specifications for providing uniform procedures for the installation, manufacture and delivery of materials and equipment for construction projects.

Commissions Supporting Public Works

Contact the Department of Public Works