Tree Care

Hiring An Arborist

Hiring An Arborist

An arborist is an individual trained in the art and science of planting, caring for, and maintaining individual trees. Arborists are knowledgeable about the needs of trees and are trained and equipped to provide proper care.

Tree Pruning

Tree Pruning

"Training young trees provides the greatest benefit of any cultural practice in influencing the future structure, appearance, and maintenance costs of landscape trees." (Harris et al. 1999)

Don't Top Trees!

Don't Top Trees!

Topping destroys the natural form of the tree and sets the tree on a path of decline.

Caring For Trees in Dry Weather

Caring For Trees in Dry Weather

Water, water, water, and mulch too!

Hazard Tree Identification and Prevention

Hazard Tree Identification and Prevention

Trees should be inspected regularly for situations that may cause them to break or fall.